Saturday, April 14, 2012

Back Again..

I'm back.  I had my "last blog", which spanned about two years time, printed out into a book recently.  It was received so well by the family that I just had to continue blogging.  I do keep a paper diary for the kids for funny, special, remarkable or terrific things that happen but not a TRUE diary.  The blog,...well its something that is in the middle I guess.  If I wrote what I really feel....well the family probably wouldn't be able to read it.  Hell, no one would be able to read it probably.  I'd probably get burned at the stake!

So, a lot has been going on lately.  Today like in about 30 minutes, is Lilly's first slumber party.  She is turning 9.  Just a bit of History...I planned a girls trip months ago.  I planned it, I picked problem there.  Made the reservations, cheered it up with the girls, made the down-payment.....wrote it on...the...calendar....shit!  I'll be gone for Lillys Birthday!!  So anyway...having the slumber a week early.  No problem!  So here we are, surrounded by Hello Kitty..What cat looks like that by the way......I am just hoping there are no "cat" fights here!!  You know how chicks can be...regardless if they are big ones or little ones.  Pray for peace!

On another note, my girlfriends Grandmother died a few days ago.  Heidi is so very sad.  I know exactly how she feels.  I am not sure she knows that or thinks that but I truly do.  Losing a Grandparent is not always that traumatic.  But when your favorite Grandparent dies, the one that has been there for you since birth, the one that you could go to at all times, that supported you but told you like it is at the same time...losing that person is hard.  Brought back some memories for me.  I wish Grandma Alta had met my husband...boy she would have given him a run for his money.  And my poor kids.  Grandma Alta was so good and special to me and my sisters.  That so special.  My kids won't know that relationship.  That is truly what makes me sad.  I know Heidi had that same special relationship with her Grandmother.

OK.  On a good happy note.  I leave for my girls trip in 4 !/2 Days!!!!  I am so excited.  I have not really thought about it much in the last few days because I was getting ready for Lillys party.  But now that is all I will be focused on......Going to South Beach!!

1 comment:

  1. ah, leslie thanks for the shout out to my gram. i'm just now seeing it as i came across an old email while i was cleaning out my inbox and the email contained a link to your blog. thank you:) thank you thank you. my gram was the best. i miss her so very much.
