Tuesday, July 17, 2012

As I padded over the spongy green patches, memories of camp-fires and mosquito repellant filled my head.  There is something about the Hardwoods in summer.  Sunshine filtering through the trees with the smell of damp ground and the sounds of breaking twigs beneath your feet….aaahhhhh Michigan,  It is always so very comforting in some ways to go back.  In other ways, such a relief to come back home, where a better life began and the other ended.

This was my fourth year in row of going to Michigan over the 4th of July.  It has come to be a tradition.  A tradition that I welcome every year yet one that once planned haunts me until it comes.  It’s hard to explain really. Somewhat bitter sweet as they say.  This year’s trip was planned because my dad’s condition from Parkinson’s disease is worsening.  I really wanted to be able to see him before he is unable to communicate.  And let me tell you, although his communication is somewhat different than it has been over the years, he is still very able to get his point across.  It comes across loud and clear through those crystal blue eyes of his.  No words necessary.    He is definitely still in there, laying in the weeds but just a bit slower to respond.

The Upper Peninsula is so far from here, so far in distance of course but also so far from what my life is today, yet every time I come back from there I miss it terribly. I feel like I know everyone there, I don’t of course, but it’s so familiar.  It’s such a great trip for me each year.  Lilly accompanied me this year, just the two of us on a little girl’s trip.  I really love to show the kids a bit of the things that I grew up with.  Things they can’t experience here in Naples.  For example, canoeing in a river without worrying about getting eaten by an alligator or just cool water running over a sandy river bed, you just can’t do that in South Florida.  Canoeing yes, but there are many other stressors to think about like alligators and Water Moccasins.  This trip, I introduced Lilly to wild Wintergreen growing on the forest floor.  I knelt down, picked the red berries from the waxy green plant and popped them in my mouth.  Lilly looked on like I was going to immediately die from poisoning.  “Try it Lilly.”  I said.  She wasn’t convinced.  She wouldn’t even touch it.  “I like the wild strawberries better Mom.”   

Our canoe trip was the highlight of our visit. You couldn’t ask for better weather. It took Lilly quite some time to finally take the “leap” and fly into the river on the tire swing. We counted to three…..then we counted again…and again… Well then we just moved to the next person. Our friend Cole did a great job at not only coaxing her to finally jump but also supporting her decision when she didn’t. Jenna was the champion, no fear there. Eventually Andrew succumbed to the peer pressure and finally on the next stop at the next tire swing Lilly had success. The next swing was a bit shorter, less daunting I guess. Eventually… “One,,..Two…Three…she held on, took a slight hop, and lifted her legs…over the river she glided. “Let Go!!, we all screamed. In she splashed, not so gracefully but successfully!! Up from the river water she sputtered with a big proud smile. The applause ensued. “Woo Hoo, good job Lilly!, we all exclaimed.

The 4th of July was a bit different than the years passed.  Normally, I would see so many people from my past.  But this year….not really.  I did run into my aunt and uncle who I have not seen in quite some time and I actually caught a glimpse of an ex-boyfriend from high school in the parade.   Speaking of the parade  The parade was so hot.  All I could think of was “why am I here, Lilly really doesn’t care about the candy or the parade, I feel sweat trickling down my back, where can I sit, where can I sit out of the sun, I am thirsty, I am hungry, gosh its hot, when does it end??????”.   I  did run into a friend, Lynn.  But that was pretty much it.  I really needed to get back to my Dads for his little family 4th party.  I left Lilly with my friends so she could do some more boating and tubing.  She really had a great time.  Although the water was frigid, according to our Florida standards, she was still brave enough to participate.   The Pouliots had just purchased the Jet boat the day before we got there so we really were able to take advantage of the lake while we were there.  A new Jet boat full of amateur boaters…probably not such a good idea but everyone survived the tubing.

Every day that I was there I was able to get up to my Dads.  Sometimes early, other days later in the day.  We had good visits.  There isn’t a lot of talking.  Dad isn’t much of a talker anyway but I think he gets frustrated in that it takes him quite a awhile to spit out what he has to say and then he usually has to repeat himself.  And if he is feeling any type of emotion at the time it makes it even more difficult.  So I think he just lets Patty do the talking when he can.

Dad gets mad at me a bit when I am there.  I am always speaking my mind.  If he isn’t doing something he should the therapist in me speaks out and lets him know.  Well that doesn’t go over too well.  “Dad, you are aspirating, have you done your exercises from the speech therapist?”, those ice blue eyes just about burn a hole through my face.  “No.” he states.  And continues to fry my corneas with his glare.  “Well Dad, if you want me to come visit again I will.  You don’t have to go and get pneumonia and end of on your death bed.  Do the exercises!”.  I get ….silence then…”O.K.”  That’s what I call meaningful conversation.

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